mystory - Migasworld

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My Story:
I've always had extreme weight problems with big swings for the last 15 years.
I`ve always lost 20 to 25 kilos and regained 30 kilos.
At the end of 2015, I was at my absolute maximum weight of 148.3 kg at 1.75 mtr height.
I could only walk very badly and could hardly get up the stairs at home.
I had high blood pressure, Multiple joint inflammations all over the body and was only at home because I felt completely energyless.
After a very severe flu at the beginning of 2016 I only got back to strength very badly and I got scared that I would soon have to need a walking aid.
Then it clicked in my head!
I have to stop trying to get slim, I have to do everything I can to be healthy again.
So I sat down and made a list of all the foods that would do me good and everything else I cancelled out of my nutrition.
What was left to eat was the vegan and gluten-free diet and allover sutten it went almost by itself.
I quickly lost weight and became visibly fitter and stronger again.
After 6 months I was already so fit that I could go hiking with my husband.
Since then I have lost 70 kilos of weight and have maintained the weight achieved since 2018.
And because I have experienced so much wonderful healing as a result of this dietary change,
I would like to share this knowledge with others People.
Therefore, I offer interested people the opportunity to benefit from my experiences in vegan work shops...
I support with these vegan work shops the  Rescue Center Happy Animals in Villa Martin.

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